Cost Effective CPUs to Streamline Your Business

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Compute Optimized Units

Our Compute Optimized Units are designed to cater to a wide range of computing needs, providing the perfect balance of performance, scalability, and cost-effectiveness.

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General Purpose Compute Units

Our General Purpose Compute Units are typically used by users and organizations with specific performance and processing needs that require a higher CPU-to-memory ratio.

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Memory Optimized Units

Our Memory Optimized Units are designed to excel in memory-intensive applications and use cases.

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General Purpose GPU Compute Units

Our General Purpose GPU Compute Units are designed for users and organizations who require GPU acceleration for computationally intensive tasks and applications, particularly those that involve parallel processing and deep learning.

Performance Optimization
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Key Features

Key features - high availability

Our compute services are designed to achieve and maintain 99.99% uptime, ensuring that your applications and workloads are continuously accessible and responsive to user requests, even in the event of planned or unplanned outages.

key features - We provide a wide range

We provide a wide range of adaptable compute services to meet the specific needs of each customer, including virtual machines, containers, and serverless functions.

Key features -  Memory optimized

Instances with Memory Optimized Units are specifically optimized for memory-intensive workloads by providing ample RAM, which enables applications to run efficiently.

key features - GPU

Our General Purpose GPU Compute Unit includes VG-CCI and VG-TCI equipped with NVIDIA GPUs to accelerate computationally intensive tasks and applications, such as deep learning and AI.

Use Case

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Compute Optimized Units

We offer Application Hosting, Sandboxing, PoC, Backup and DR, IoT and Edge Computing.

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General Purpose Compute Units

Our services support Compute-Intensive Applications, Batch Processing, High-Performance Databases, High-Concurrent-Use Web/Application Servers, Big Data Processing, Machine Learning & AI, Game Development, and Servers.

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Memory Optimized Units

We offer Database Servers, E-commerce Platforms, Java-based Applications, Data Warehousing, Container Orchestration, In-Memory Databases, Analytics and Business Intelligence.

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General Purpose GPU Compute Units

Our General Purpose GPU Compute Units offer Computer Vision Applications, NLP, Parallel Computing, Modeling and Simulation, Game Development and VDI.

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Ready to take your business to next level


Product Catalogue (2)

Product Catalogue

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Customer onboarding

Customer Onboarding

Our experienced customer support team ensures a seamless migration process to our cloud services.


Service Level Agreements (SLAs)

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Frequently Asked Questions

We offer versatile and robust infrastructure for diverse computing solutions to meet your needs, including compute-optimized units, general-purpose compute units, memory-optimized units, and a virtualized GPU service (VGS) for GPU-accelerated tasks.

Our compute services are secured, scalable and backed by DR solution with competitive price plans.

We will be happy to help you assess your requirements and recommend the best service. Considering factors like your business requirements, workload, budget, and desired level of control.

We offer custom selection of flavors designed considering basic to advanced use cases irrespective of industry.

Yes, Meghna Cloud supports horizontal scaling while maintaining uninterrupted service.

We ensure both digital and physical security of client data through advanced XDR and SIEM while our data centers are physically protected by government armed guards with zero outside access.

Get in touch with our sales team. They will ensure your smooth onboarding on to Meghna Cloud platform.

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